"Doors" the movie Song: Off to Sir Ronts
Welcome to our website everyone, I’m Charlie Boxbugz!
I wanted to give you some background on Boxbugz and how it got started. When my son Grasshopper was in elementary school he did a project where the kids had to make original items and sell them to each other at a fair for charity. Naturally like any fifth grader, Grasshopper told me about the project the day before the event right before bedtime!
Like any good father, I hauled Grasshopper and his little brother Meen Green to the dollar store. We purchased some items that we could use to make cool gifts that Grasshopper could sell. Grasshopper wanted to go to school with a colorful party box to sell; a most awesome box like no other. If that was the plan then we would have to transform that box like on the tv show “Chopped”… bring me the fish head, good sir!
The idea was to make the boxes look like characters. Some were made to look like a flower hybrid box creature. We also constructed a robot box and made a humanoid-like box with a pinwheel for its hair (so cool)! They all came out great and it was off to the kids market the next day.
“My word Grasshopper, it’s far past bedtime so time to get some sleep !”
Grasshopper came back home after school the next day having sold all six boxes that we made. The kids at the fair loved them and walked up to him, put money on the table, and walked off no questions asked. He also took payment in the form of a gold dollar from one kid! I was so proud of Grasshopper that I promised him that I would turn Boxbugz into a real company.
The current Boxbugz you see on our website evolved over the last 6 years. None of them are the original ones that Grasshopper sold at his school fair. If there is enough interest we can do an exclusive founders edition for our first 100 customers and recreate the first ones for you! Until then help us glow up and "Get Your Own Box"!